Saturday, May 21, 2011

The End of the World

This is it folks. Today. The end of the world. Wait! What's that you say? Nothings happening?? What?? There is no substantial evidence pointing to it? But that one guy said it was ending!!

Right there is your proof that the world will not end. One guy! One guy, who did not receive messages from God, but rather added up dates from the Bible, and who has predicted the end before incorrectly, has said it. I think if the world was really going to end today, or that the rapture was going to happen, there would actually be tragedies happening all across the earth. Yet, there's nothing.

So, while sometimes that one person is right, this time, he is wrong. There is no one who can predict exactly when the Earth is going to end. Even astronomers, who give us a general 5 billion more years until our sun expands, turning into a red giant, and consuming us in that. Whether the human race lasts that long, no one can tell. Someday, our time here on Earth will end, yet today is not that day, and probably not anytime soon. Well, at least the "panic" will subside after today and there will no more "The world is going to end" until next year around Christmas, when 2012 is supposed to happen. But whether today, 2012, or a long time in the future the world ends, just remember to live each of these days that we are given to the fullest and do what you want to do, not what anyone else wants you too.

Until tomorrow (and there will be a tomorrow),

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