Sunday, August 21, 2011

End of Summer

Hello everyone,

It's been quite a while... namely, the entire summer. So, when summer first started, I made a list of the things I wanted to do this summer. I must say, I definitely did not get all of them done.

1. Get a job- This I did do. I got a wonderful job working at a school/childcare center and I spent the entire summer (almost) hanging around with toddlers. I actually get to keep this job for the school year too, so I am very excited about that.

2. Spend lots of time outside- I spent quite a bit, probably about an hour, give or take, every day, unless it was raining. This hour was the kids' morning playtime, so it was fun, and never too hot really.

3.  Ride my bike everyday- Fail... I rode my bike twice the entire summer... :(

4. Read a book a week- Also a fail. I usually spend all my time reading during the summer, but I kept myself busy with other things.

5. Continue blogging- Another fail. I forgot to do it...

6. Do something exciting, new, and different- This could be taken as either a failure or a success. I spent a LOT of time doing things that were new with the kids, like changing diapers, but I don;t know if I would consider that exciting... but two out of the three criteria are met, so I will count it.

7. Cook more- So, I didn't make a new recipe every week, but I did cook a lot.

All in all, I got 4/7 things done, which I think is pretty good. Now its time for school to start again (tomorrow at 8:30 a.m.) and I am pretty excited for it! I think it will be a great year!


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